Setting up an Ark Survival Evolved Cluster on Pterodactyl Control Panel

Our goal for this tutorial is to setup and configure an Ark: Survival Ascended Pterodactyl Cluster. Note: This guide is for ARK Survival Ascended. If you are looking for ASE directions, see Setting up ARK Survival Evolved cluster in Pterodactyl.…
If you need to pick up digipicks, visit Wen Tseng inside of the UC Distribution building. She has a stock of 10 to start, but I am unsure of a restock timer.
As we get closer and closer to the release of next gen hardware, we’re going to be seeing some amazing tech demos and in game footage. Take a look at this amazing Tech Demo of Unreal Engine 5 running on…
*Updated for A19 Alpha 19 7 Days to Die is a survival horde sandbox apocalypse style game. It’s quite fun solo as well as multiplayer in a server environment. Unfortunately, most tutorials on server setups or installations are dated and…
A full list of village and pillage workstation blocks and their corresponding villagers below: Armorer: Blast Furnace Butcher: Smoker Cartographer: Cartography Table Cleric: Brewing stand Farmer: Composter Fisherman: Barrel Fletcher: Fletching Table Leatherworker: Cauldron Librarian: Lectern Mason: Stonecutter Shepherd: Loom Toolsmith: Smithing Table Weaponsmith: Grindstone