Minecraft Villagers and Their Professions

A full list of village and pillage workstation blocks and their corresponding villagers below:

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  1. I love the Leather worker. I haven yet figured out how to dye leather armor myself. This really helps a lot. I was dumb enough to put a Anvil in front of a butcher. LOL

    • You get a cauldron fill it with water and then you just use the dye on the water. Then you get leather armor and then just click on the cauldron with the leather armor. 🙂

  2. Thanks so much, this website has been a great help with building my villager city. One question though, how do you get nitwits to do anything? I have a few that are just standing around, even though I gave them profession blocks. Also, all my villagers keep immediately turning into clerks, even though my nearest brewing stand is about 30 blocks away.

  3. Thanks so much! All the other sites I’ve been on weren’t this straight forward! I was creating a little villager trading Post kind of thing within my city, so this helps a lot! The librarian was a bit stubborn, as I wanted mending haha! But it’s all sorted, thanks to you! 🙂

  4. I was also able to get all of villagers to Master level, and now have everything need to beat the game.

  5. I am currently making a base, and I wanted to have 1 of every villager profession, and this site was really helpful.

  6. Also- note that the leather workers cauldron must have water in it for it to work, otherwise he gets upset. Well, he didn’t get upset, the cauldron did… I’ve been working on upgrading a village I found, and have already converted some “nitwits” into new professions. As long as the villagers keep breeding, the village will thrive.

  7. Are you able to make shepherd villagers in bedrock edition? Mine wont seem to change

  8. There one more those people wondering the ‘nitwit’ can’t have a profession sleeps in longer
    Wakes up later, explores further than any other villagers, only one use s@x with other villagers to make babies.

  9. Thanks I couldn’t find any other sites as straight forward and helpful as this site so thanks 👍

  10. I’ve worked with villagers a bunch and the best way to get one on a profession is to put the respective block under a trap door so you can keep replacing the block (or in your case, lecturn) without the villager escaping and still look at his trades.

    Mending is really rare, If you’re lucky after about 30 minutes to an hour of swapping trades you should at least have a mending book cheaper than 20 emeralds. The cheapest I’ve gotten is 18 emeralds

    • Once you find the trade you want put a piston under the villager showing the villager to a zombi he will die heal him up with weakness potion and golden apple wait and his trade will stay the same but his price has dropped so your mending is now 1 emerald brotha

      • But only in hard mode will the villager turn into a zombie for sure, otherwise he has a 50% chance to die insted of turning into zombie in normal and even lower to turn into zombie in easy mode.

  11. This was so helpful I was able to repopulated my abandoned village and get the tools I needed and was finally able to get a frost walker 2 book from my leveled up libarian! Tysm!

  12. It is very useful. I finally can make my own village without spawning random villagers! This is really helpful info. Thanks! 😛

  13. thank you so much now as a kid i know exactly what to do if i want to make a village and this actually works i tried out all of these but i got one problem every time i spawn a villager it turns into a fisher man even thought i have say a composer can try to find out why this is happening

    • Give it some time. It will eventually change. Make sure you have an available bed nearby.

    • Don’t use barrels for anything other than “Fisherman”. I was using some for storage and had way too many Fisherman.

    • It could be that if it is around your house, you might have barrels in your house and the villager keeps choosing the fisherman job because of it.

  14. Thank you so much! Literally the most straight forward list I’ve seen. I play mobile (Bedrock), and I’m trying to get a mending book. Do you have any advice for that?

    • This was soooo helpful! My brother built a little village and wanted to know what profession blocks each kind of villager, so I Googled it up and found discovered this! Now my brother is very happy because each of his villagers all have a profession they like and the profession block they need for it.

  15. I’ve put the villagers in simple homes with no way out and just enough space for the block and a bed and it’s been about a Minecraft week now and they haven’t changed have I done something wrong or do I just need to keep waiting ?

    • You have to make sure they have food to “share” with each other. You’ll see them toss food back and forth. Best to put a door, make a small garden and close in the area.

    • Put two of them in a room with extra beds and profession blocks. Put a dispenser on a ceiling filled with bread with a lever on it. Flick the lever to dispense bread. The villagers should pick up the bread and start having floating hearts. I forgot the beds and profession blocks and ended up having four baby villagers in a row that were all nitwits.

    • I might have been another villager that changed or the space is to small you should check it

      • We created a village marketplace for our librarians, including two farmers. It is fenced in with fence and iron bars and covered with glass. Completely safe! The farmers feed the rest of the villagers. Emeralds aplenty! The rest of the Craftsman are in a Mayan temple we built not far away.

  16. I’ve just created a Minecraft world with my friend, and we built a villager farm. We kept searching for which block attributes which profession, because we needed to trade stuff for emeralds so that we could buy an enchanted book from the librarian. We found this website, and know we’ve got around 37 emeralds.

  17. Legendary. I’ve been playing for years but only just started using villagers. This helped me repopulate my abandoned village

  18. SO HELPFUL. Thank you. I needed this. Very, very handy when in the process of controlling which blocks create villager professions. Thank youuuu

  19. this was incredibly helpful, especially because of how clear and straight-forward this list was!

    • Thanks Tristen. That’s why I created it. Everywhere else was too hidden and crazy. Hope you enjoy!

  20. Thank you so much for this site. I could not find a simple site like this when building my village. My village is in a desert ravine. So you now see why I needed a simple villager-block list. Thanks again!